Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Movie Review: Remember Me

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

What a great movie!! Like, OMG! Cried like a baby, I did!

Beware of spoilers in this post. I'm not even joking. I spoiled the movie for myself and, now, I wish I hadn't so don't continue reading if you haven't seen it. I'm not kidding!


First, Robert Pattinson. Wow. I was impressed. He was so intense during some scenes like when he confronted his father in the board room. Or like when he dropped his sister off at school and the little bitch made a comment and he scared the SHIT out of her! I would do the exact same thing for my sister and I'm not kidding. The only difference it I don't have a rich dad that would bail me out whenever I randomly go bazerk!

I also enjoyed Emilie de Ravin. This is the first thing I have seen her in outside of "Lost." I officially love her. The chemistry between these two was so believable. I'd also like to commend these two on their American accents. For being a Brit and an Australian... they were pretty damn good Americans.

I kind of feel bad for Chris Cooper though. The only thing he gets hired for is to play the asshole dad or employer. He's good at it, but if her really were a good actor, he'd be able to play the nice guy and I'd love to see that. Pierce Brosnan, who we usually see as the good guy (I mean... he was James Bond), played the absent father in this movie and he was great too! So bravo.

Finally, that adorable little girl! She is SOOO adorable and a great little actress. She should've played Abigail Breslin's character in Definitely, Maybe. She would've been better! But yeah, she was so cute and I hope she'll be in a lot more! When the little bitches in her class cut her hair off, I nearly cried! :(

This is where you really need to stop reading if you haven't seen this movie because I will be giving away the very ending of the movie. So, stop!

Before the movie came out I researched the movie and found out the ending. Now that I've seen the movie, I wish I hadn't. They did a very good job making the audience think that the story took place in present day. Since I spoiled the ending, I spent most of the movies looking for clues that gave away the September 11th ending and I only found a few...

American Pie 2 (which came out August 10th, 2001) was the movie they were watching in the theater. When Tyler is going up to his dad's office in the elevator, you can see the level display saying that they're up around the 90th level. How many buildings go that high? ...There was one more I noticed, but I can't remember what it was. :(

I'm glad they didn't show the builidings getting hit by the planes. I think it would've been in poor taste if they did that. It was more dramatic the way they did it; we just needed to assume. We all remember that day (minus the idiot Twilighters who went to see "the Robert Pattinson movie." I do wish they showed a little more commotion on the ground. They showed only a couple shots. They just needed a couple more... in my opinion that is.

For those of you who haven't seen the movie and are still reading at this point... your loss. You'll regret it. It really was an amazing movie. I cried like a baby and if I hadn't spoiled the ending for myself, I would've cried even more! Can't wait to buy it and see it again!

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