Saturday, July 3, 2010

Retro Review: Godzilla

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

I'm also going to be discussing the remake of this movie coming out in 2012. Just FYI.

Here we go...

Godzilla. Everybody HATED this movie. I....... LOVED it!

People's biggest complaint besides the fact that the movi
e sucked was that this creature destroying the streets of NYC is not Godzilla! To them this is just a radioactive lizard. Everybody was looking forward to the American version of the dinosaur creature saving Japan and fighting off other giant vermin.

Really, nerds? You thought America would actually
do that? If you thought that then you're just an idiot and if you're basing the quality of this movie mostly on the creature with the title of Godzilla, then you're an idiot. And if you're more entertained by a man in a rubber dinosaur suit saving Japan and fighting off creatures who are also men in costumes, then you're an idiot as well.

I think that this dinosaur is better and I like this story better. It's more realistic. ...Yes, I just said that. A giant, mutated, radioactive lizard being found after many years and burrowing itself in New York City? How could they not make a movie like that?

However, I will admit that the storyline and sub stories and very generic. But that also comes with the director, Roland Emmerich (who I LOVE)! I don't expect the stories he creates to be amazing or Oscar worthy, but I do expect to be entertained and, with Emmerich, I expect amazing visual effects.

And, for 1997, these aren't horrible visual effects, they're just okay. I was a little disappointed in them and that's the only really bad thing I have to say about this movie. That and the acting quality of the female lead Maria Pitillo which was just okay.

I loved Matthew Broderick and Jean Reno. I really wish Matthew did more main stream movies, but he doesn't need to anymore because he is/was Ferris Bueller.

Now because this movie outrageously succeeded at the box office with $380 million dollars worldwide (WOW!) and it's poor critical and fan reception, this movie/character will be remade into a new movie. In August 2009, Legendary Pictures (the studio behind The Dark Knight, Superman, Watchmen, etc.) obtained the rights to the character and the movie and will be releasing a new one in 2012.

In all honesty, the 1998 movie ended with potential for a sequel. I'd rather have a sequel than have it remade. However, after the 1998 Godzilla was released, the story picked up where it left off in the movie in "Godzilla: The Animated Series." So I don't know if that would count as the "sequel" and if my memory serves me correct, in the series, Godzilla does fight new creatures.

I think people need to cut this movie some slack. People are so judgemental and negative. It's not an amazing movie, but it's a good piece of entertainment. I will, however, go see the new one when it comes out as long as it's not too much like that Japanese version. That version can stay in lame-o Japan.

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