Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lindsay's Going to Jail

Lindsay's Plea:

Lindsay's Sentencing:

I love that the sentencing video just CUTS right before it says when she will surrender.

So. Lindsay. 90 days in jail.

I dunno. I kind of sympathize for her. Poor girl. I wish people would just leave her alone. This much misfortune probably wouldn't have happened to her if cameras and people didn't follow her around constantly. Given the circumstances of the case and the facts, however, I think 90 days in jail is generous. Then all that crap afterward is fine and standard, you'd think.

Lindsay, just do the 90 days better than Paris did her day. Haha, but seriously. Go in, get it done, clean up, and come out with your head held high. Straighten out your life. And make me more movies to watch, because I enjoy your movies (for the most part). ;)

You'll be fine!

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