Friday, July 16, 2010

Movie Review: Eclipse

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

Well, I finally saw it (illegally on the internet so it was poor picture and sound), but I saw it and I must say that I agree with the critics when they say it's the best one yet. It really is, and, yes, that's coming from ME!

I'm surprised that Bella did not change her mind and turn to Jacob. Just watching this movie and listening to the arguments of why she should go with him would've convinced me! I didn't hear any pluses for Edward's side.

Because I haven't read the books (although I did attempt), I get rather confused with the story. My main question is why is everyone after Bella? I know Victoria is because she wants to kill her so Edward can feel her pain since he killed James. So does that mean that she was using this Riley tool to create an army to find her? Did I just answer my own question? I dunno.

I like that Bryce Dallas Howard is the new Victoria. Nobody really knows her, but she played Gwen Stacy is Spider-Man 3 and Kate Connor in Terminator Salvation. Many probably didn't even know that they replaced the actress portraying her. Let's be honest, the curly red hair is the only thing we use to identify her. But I'm glad her storyline is over. She was chasing Bella for 3 damn movies, she had to go.

I liked the background stories slash flashbacks for Rosalie and Jasper. More-so Rosalie. They finally explain why she's a raging bitch.

The action in the movie was great. It also got pretty violent with the beheading and dismembering. I liked it. :)

I also liked the tent conversation between Jacob and Edward. I'm sorry, but I'm really sick and tired of this hatred of each other. Bella chose Edward, so Jacob... back off and Edward... stop gloating. And Bella... stop cheating and flirting with both of them like a common whore!

And finally, I love Dakota Fanning. I will stand by her forever! She is one of the greatest actresses ever to walk this Earth.

Now I just have to sit through two more of these stupid movies before this "saga" is over. It better not ruin Harry's thunder when Deathly Hallows Parts I and II come out within the year! I'll be pissed. Yay Harry!

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