Sunday, July 4, 2010

Random Tweets of the Week!

Let's here it for New York, New York, New Yorrrkkk!

I can never win solitaire. :(

I want to name a puppy Stewie sometime in the future.

Why the fuck is Kristen Stewart making out with Ryan Reynolds in this fucking movie? Ew.

Mmm. Animal crackers at 1 am.

New favorite game on my iPod. ... Solitaire!! Wooo!! Ima loser.

How many episodes of George Lopez are about Carmen wanting to grow up too fast. Parties, drinking, moving out. It's like every episode.

While everybodys going to waste their lives on lame glittery vampires and underaged werewolves, I'm gonna watch an action movie. :) #eclipse

Okay if I wanted to name a female dog "Charlie" would it be really weird if I spelt it "Chrli" or "Chrle? I want it to be unique with 5 ltrs

Going to get a late-night bagel. Random. But I'm hungry!!

Ha. Boop. Boop.

"Fifty-seven Charlie! Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman!!" #familyguy

Transformers is on. Megan Fox, I'm in love with you!

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