Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saw 3D - The Final Saw...

Great trailer.

But the last Saw? Really.

I was told long ago that the series was meant to be eight films. Like the story was to be told over eight movies. Now it's ending at seven? Okay, I guess I can deal with that. (I still have to see V and VI, but shhh don't tell anyone!!)

Next problem... 3D?! Really? What are you trying to be? ...The Final Destination? Let's make a finale and have it be 3D. This is too much for me. And why is it called Saw 3D? That's confusing. You know, Jaw 3D was conveniently the third and only 3D film in the series. So now there's going to be Saw, II, III, IV, V, VI, and 3D. Dumb.

In my opinion, the movie should be titled: Saw - The Finale in 3D. Kind of lame, but that's what you get for ending the series sooner than scheduled.

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