Friday, July 30, 2010

Movie Review: Live Free or Die Hard

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

Out of the four 'Die Hard' movies, it's sad to say (but expected at the same time) that this was my least favorite. But that doesn't mean it didn't have its plus sides.

The biggest downfall for me was that it was rated PG-13. What I liked about the other movies, is that they were made in the 80s/90s and they didn't care about their audience. So they were rated R. Nowadays, all studios care about is the money and getting people into theaters while we're in this economic crisis (which I guess makes sense... boo!). But all good action movies (Die Hard, True Lies, Terminator, Con Air) swear throughout. Plus this film didn't have the amount of violence/gore as the other one.

That's my biggest downfall. I felt like the action was too contained. It wasn't R-rated action, though which is what the others were. Although... the coolest action scene was the cop car to the copter. Awesome!

In my Die Hard: With A Vengeance review I discussed my thoughts on John McClaine having a side kick. The same applies here. I just felt Justin Long was a little out of place in the action movie. Typical he would play a nerd. I just didn't care for his presence much. Stick to comedy my friend.

I also mentioned in my last review that I liked how these movies constantly reference the past movies. Thankfully, that didn't change much in this sequel. :)

The story was as expected. Since the previous movie was made in 95 and this one was 07, what is the biggest change between these years? Technology. More specifically internet and hacking. John has saved a building, an airplane, and basically New York City. Naturally, next he'd have to deal with an internet related problem. So I'm indifferent when it comes to the main story. Something I do hate is that his daughter is involved and kidnapped. Cliché. Seriously.

Finally, I didn't care for the death of the villain. What John McCaine did was heroic and all, but really...? Simply shooting a guy through yourself? No one wants that. They want them to fall, blow up, be crushed, run over, sliced in half, etc. Shooting the guy through yourself doesn't cut it with me.

The next sequel is expected to be released in 2012. They've got some major work to do. Let's work on the R rating please. That's a tradition I miss.

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