Sunday, July 18, 2010

Movie Review: Inception

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

This movie was fucking amazing! I don't even know where to begin!

Let's start with the story. Wow. Christopher Nolan is one brilliant man. It was so complex, but understandable at the same time. This is one of those movies that you may want to see twice, but only to validate your knowledge of what happened. And to enjoy it a second time. ;)

But Nolan has made nothing but brilliant movies (that I know of anyways). Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Prestige, Memento, and now this! Both directing and writing these movies.

To those who have yet to see this movie, I will give you the following advice: Don't be discouraged by the first fifteen minutes of the movie. It confused the hell out of me. Try to focus, but also try to enjoy it.

Now moving from the story / director to the cast. This casting director, whoever they may be, is a genius. Basically, they gathered a group of Oscar nominees that are using this film as a possible step closer to their Oscar. Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ken Watanabe, Tom Berenger [and director/writer Christopher Nolan falls into this Oscar Nominated category]. Marion Cotillard and Michael Caine both actually received O

We see Leonardo DiCaprio in another serious role. Give the guy an Oscar already.

Ellen Page was delightful so watch. I haven't seen her since Juno and she has improved so much. She was perfect for the role and I liked that they had someone young on the "team."

Marion Cotillard scared the crap out of me. Every scene she was in (or when we were supposed to anticipate her presence), I expected her to pop out. Her character was absolutely insane.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt was awesome! I'm sorry, but now I just can't see anyone else playing the Riddler in the next Batman movie. He needs that role. It's his. At the same time I'm still trying to get used to seeing him as an adult. He's been one for some time now, but I still picture him as the kid in Angels in the Outfield, "3rd Rock from the Sun", and 10 Things I Hate About You.

The effects were awesome. I'm a real sucker for visual effects (hence why The Day After Tomorrow is on of my favorite movies). I think the scene that blew me away the most was the hallway fighting scene with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It was so awesome... they were flying around, slamming against walls, spinning in the middle of the air. Awesome. I also really liked when the city started folding over. It looked so real! They did a really good job. Like I said in one of my tweets last week: "Inception looks like a photoshopper's wet dream." Haha.

Now time for something that pissed me off. That stupid ending. I'm not talking about the climax of the film (which, by the way, was the last hour and a half of the film no joke). I'm talking about the last 10-ish seconds of footage. I hate movies that are like that. It was like the post-credits scene from X-Men: The Last Stand when the chess piece fell over last second. Except in this movie, the spinning top continued to spin as the shot cut. Are we to assume that it would never fall because it seemed like it was starting to. This brings me to my last comments...

The possibility of a sequel is there. It would be tough to create, however I think it's quite possible and I'm interested in them pursuing it. Only if it is done correctly like the Batman films. Basically, I want to see Ellen Page and Joseph Gordon-Levitt again in the leading roles. :)

If you haven't made plans to see this movie, you definitely need to. People cheered at the end when the credits began to roll. Not many movies have that kind of response. I've only seen a few: Avatar, Toy Story 3, and all Harry Potters. ;) Go see this movie! You won't be disappointed!!

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