Saturday, July 24, 2010

Movie Review: Jaws 3D

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

As you may know, my family lives and breathes Jaws. The first one that is. The following ones are just fun to watch and make fun of.

Until today, I have never seen the third movie in the series. Why? Because I've heard nothing but terrible things, it takes place at an amusement park, and it has nothing to do with the original story or characters.

I was wrong.

Up until today, I thought that the characters and story had nothing to do with the other movies but they do! The main character is actually Mike Brody... and Sean shows up too!

Turns out this movie is not that bad. Somethings were kind of lame, but I expected it. It was fun to watch.

Dennis Quaid is where the first problem is. I'm sorry, but I just don't see him as Mike Brody. Dennis Quaid is one of those actors with a very distinct voice and face and I don't think - given what the 3 other actors portraying Mike Brody look like - that he was the right choice. He just doesn't flow with the other actors. The guy portraying Sean was fine... he was not anyone famous and he looked like he could've been Sean.

The second problem with this movie is it's "3D." This is not 3D. This is an image that doesn't move, coming towards the screen. It was lame and cheap. And it all would've been way better if it just wasn't 3D. Like, I would like the movie more!

Otherwise the movie was pretty decent.

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