Saturday, July 17, 2010

Helping Gaga

If you haven't heard, and you probably haven't, there's a race to be the Most-Watched Video on YouTube. The competitors: Justin Bieber's music video for "Baby" (currently at 247,783472 views) and Lady Gaga's music video for "Bad Romance (currently at 246,485,999 views).

If you know like even at all, you know I HATE Justin Bieber. Okay, I like Eenie Meenie featuring Sean Kingston, but that's it. I hate his hair, I hate his age, I hate his fans, I hate the hype that surrounds him. And I love Bad Romance. ;)

So I'm helping the cause and putting my votes in for Gaga. Watch "Bad Romance" below to add a view. After all, "Bad Romance" is one of the greatest songs ever. Lol. I'm not kidding. 8 months after it's release and I still have it on my car CD and FAVS playlist on my iPod. ...and that's saying something.

Down with Bieber!!

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